Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rough Day, Good times and Bad

So today I was lucky enough to go to work at 4 am! As I was leaving the house at 3:30, I noticed some neighbors still up partying..... So it was either way to early to get up, or, they needed to go to bed! Either way, it was cold and dark, and I was sleepy. However, I had my motivation.... My 3rd interview was scheduled at costco, just 10 hours away! Yeah!!! I think thats what made me smile when witch boss lady yelled.....again......and called us worthless. Lovely things to hear at work;)

Well, I made it through the day, even worked 30 min over, just to get a message that costco was cancelling on me. Yep. Apparently someone from within the company decided they wanted that job, so i got pushed out. They alwasy give priority to current employees. So, i guess i'll just roll with it, extremely disapointing to me..... My mind started racing..... how am i gonna pay the bills with the current job? How am i going to deal with the stress from crazy boss lady? Everything is gonna fall apart!  But then I realized i had a different interview today.... That i was supposed to cancel, but forgot to. So i decided to go to it. Its a cookie bouquet company, they make some really unique things that you def cant get everywhere! Interview went well, but unfortunately, its only part time, and a low wage.... Well lets see, a pleasant enviroment, but not enough money? Or almost enough money, and a shitty enviroment? Tough Call, really.......

Then, I came home from the interview and got my first ever kid made mothers day gifts!!!!! I got a small potted plant, a necklace, a story about me, with pictures, and a coupon booklet for help with chores and such. It was so awesome!!! Def a great end to the rough day! Made me smile, and Joey was also very proud because he made them all by himself!

So after my spirits were boosted, I decided to get back into go get 'em mode. I posted an ad on craigslist for cakes, catering, and any other things people may want. I job searched through help wanted ads, and made a small list of what to tackle next on the job front. What i'm having a hard time deciding is to just do cakes etc. at home? As a side business? And to work somewhere different, maybe a restaurant, maybe an office, who knows... Or still work in the industry and do it on the side. My mind changes everyday on that one, so I guess I'll just play it by ear. Whatever comes my way I'll take!

So, now its off to bed, I'm 18 hours into my day, so I think its time to find my pillow, and snuggle up. Tomorrow will hopefully bring a new oppurtunity, maybe a surprise that I could never expect. You never know right???? Sweet dreams;)

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