Saturday, May 22, 2010

Not enough time!!!!

So my blog has been suffering, and will continue suffering for the next week or so. I am only at home about 7 hours a day, and a big chunk of that is my sleeping time;) hope all is well with everyone, and I will jump back on here when I have a free moment;)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy news!!

So I have tentatively booked 3 weddings for the next few months, and got a new day job as well! What a productive week! Weddings, well I dont have many details yet, so nothing major to talk about there... But the job! Its a huge raise, and work that has more creativity, and better hours! It will be daylight when I go to work! Haha.

Our dinner adventures have gotten more interesting, tonight i made a casserole with ground turkey, grean beans, white cheddar pasta, and then topped it with corn bread. It was a hit with the boys, but me n the girls just choked it down so we dont starve,! Hopefully I'll have some better creative juices flowing tomorrow. I thought I would use a lot of this blog for my creativity, and trying new options to really get my own business starting, but instead, all it is is creative dinners! Haha, oh well, I guess its a start;)

Im trying to stay confident that everything will work out, but it seems like financially, maybe we are just meant to be a disaster;( We are doing everything right... At least I think, paying the bills on time, not eating out, no luxories at all, and still we cannot seem to get ahead! I swear, we are further behind every week! It doesnt make any sense to me;( And I am so tired of telling my kids we cant afford it....

So I think thats it for today, just a whiney blog, cause thats the kind of mood I'm in, maybe tomorrow will be happier;)

Monday, May 10, 2010

ALready falling behind....

So I've skipped a few days of blogging, already forgetting, lol. Just my style;) So we have had a great weekend. Spent Mothers day at Memorial park, what a cool place! They have a lake in the middle, and we threw down a blanket and had a picnic. The kids spent a lot of time on the playground, and we all even got a bit of sun. Needed some vit D;) Today we visited a few small stores, and meat markets, just trying to find the best place to shop in this town, didnt find anything great, but got to cross more stuff off the list of places to see. Its always nice to try and complete a list!

Tomorrow, Joey has a packed day! After school, he is going out to ice cream with his teacher, her treat. She offers it for each student, and I think its kinda cool! Gives him a little individual attention, and he is gonna feel pretty special for the day! Then Joey is going to have his first school program! Its all of the kindergarteners, putting on a concert for us. They have been working for a few months on their songs, and the theme is Australia. We are so excited! Im sure I will cry, cause I cry everytime my kids do anything, lol.

So our family has been very creative with food lately, and its getting to be fun! We are a little broke, so the groceries dont have as much variety as before. We have made new recipes, and I have actually started baking again for the family! I make muffins every few days, and try dif flavors, and thats fun;) Also making cookies, I think that is Dans favorite! Im bringing back old recipes, and also trying new ones!

And I have gotten the possibility of 2 more weddings in July and August. I think I'm off to a great start, without doing much to try! I'm getting really excited about doing more work on my terms, but also getting a little nervous! I am so unorganized, I really need to get on it! One of the weddings want 4-5 different appetizers, that are simple and elegant. Time to dig out old culinary school papers to find something unique and perfect!

So I scheduled another job interview today.... Its going to be on thursday, at king soopers. Im really excited because it pays a lot more than what Im making now, and has more options to be creative! The down side, is I will have a bit of a commute, but I figure if its worth sticking with for awhile, then maybe we will move closer to the store. Anything to get us out of our ghetto!

And at the current job, I kinda vented, a lot, on Saturday! I know I crossed the line a little bit on what I said, but I just didn't have the patience to deal with boss witches attitude anymore. However, it seemed to have a good outcome, because the upper management is on it! So hopefully I will still be leaving that job, but maybe I helped the current, and future decorators.

So tomorrow, I'm back at it, its been a wonderful 2 days off! And I really hope it is a wonderful day, getting really excited for thursday;) I really believe everything will work out however its supposed to. This adventure that we set out on has been nothing like we planned, but we've had a lot of fun with the surprises, and all of the unexpected changes have brought our family closer than ever. I couldn't ask for anything more in my life right now!

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rough Day, Good times and Bad

So today I was lucky enough to go to work at 4 am! As I was leaving the house at 3:30, I noticed some neighbors still up partying..... So it was either way to early to get up, or, they needed to go to bed! Either way, it was cold and dark, and I was sleepy. However, I had my motivation.... My 3rd interview was scheduled at costco, just 10 hours away! Yeah!!! I think thats what made me smile when witch boss lady yelled.....again......and called us worthless. Lovely things to hear at work;)

Well, I made it through the day, even worked 30 min over, just to get a message that costco was cancelling on me. Yep. Apparently someone from within the company decided they wanted that job, so i got pushed out. They alwasy give priority to current employees. So, i guess i'll just roll with it, extremely disapointing to me..... My mind started racing..... how am i gonna pay the bills with the current job? How am i going to deal with the stress from crazy boss lady? Everything is gonna fall apart!  But then I realized i had a different interview today.... That i was supposed to cancel, but forgot to. So i decided to go to it. Its a cookie bouquet company, they make some really unique things that you def cant get everywhere! Interview went well, but unfortunately, its only part time, and a low wage.... Well lets see, a pleasant enviroment, but not enough money? Or almost enough money, and a shitty enviroment? Tough Call, really.......

Then, I came home from the interview and got my first ever kid made mothers day gifts!!!!! I got a small potted plant, a necklace, a story about me, with pictures, and a coupon booklet for help with chores and such. It was so awesome!!! Def a great end to the rough day! Made me smile, and Joey was also very proud because he made them all by himself!

So after my spirits were boosted, I decided to get back into go get 'em mode. I posted an ad on craigslist for cakes, catering, and any other things people may want. I job searched through help wanted ads, and made a small list of what to tackle next on the job front. What i'm having a hard time deciding is to just do cakes etc. at home? As a side business? And to work somewhere different, maybe a restaurant, maybe an office, who knows... Or still work in the industry and do it on the side. My mind changes everyday on that one, so I guess I'll just play it by ear. Whatever comes my way I'll take!

So, now its off to bed, I'm 18 hours into my day, so I think its time to find my pillow, and snuggle up. Tomorrow will hopefully bring a new oppurtunity, maybe a surprise that I could never expect. You never know right???? Sweet dreams;)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2 In one day?!?!?!?!?!

This is simply a rant..... We are broke, haha, broke as a joke.... Like we spend $50 a week on food for 5 people broke! And we have no savings, no insurance, no credit cards...... So what happens when you feel like you might be scraping by? 1 kid gets really sick, sees a dr, and gets antibiotics, all out of pocket.... Now, 4 days later, child #2 has swollen tonsils with spots...... Good chance its scarlet fever, or at the very least, strep...... Need a dr visit and antibiotics..... So when is #3 gonna hit? On payday would be nice, although, that would mean dipping into rent money for my childrens health....... Which is better? Keeping shelter and food? Or medication? Ugghghhghghg I can't stand when things go this way.... Next month will be better, next month will be better..... I even tried to donate plasma for more money. Well, I guess I was nervous? Or maybe I'm sick too? Cause my pulse was too high for an hour straight!!!!! So they say I'm not healthy enough to donate (for a cash gift)... Really???? But the crazy smelly crackhead next to me can? Ugh, sometimes I don't understand....... Oh well, It's all small stuff, right???? We will be fine, and persevere, we always do. Everything happens for a reason, and God has a plan. I'm going to have faith, it will be ok;)


So, I decided to start a blog, but then I realized, I decided this 2 years ago! So I'm using the same one, just adding new stuff;) I think I deleted everything else, but we will see!
 So, I had a job interview today, at Costco. Yep I'm doing it again, but dangit, I need some money, and Costco gives it, so I guess thats what I gotta do.... for now..... At least until my own business takes off! I already and building a client base... From all those short notice, low budget military weddings! I'm so excited about this! And I'm working on an ad to put on craigslist, maybe business cards, just to say, I bake, I decorate, and I create. And thats exactly what I do! I  don't have a signature item, I dont have many favorite recipes, I simply do what I want, explore new things, and go with the flow.

So, we just packed all of our stuff, and ran to the promised land of Colorado Springs, CO. Promised land? Not everyone would agree, but we think it is absolutely beautiful! People have been very friendly, jobs are in abundance, and cost of living is cheap! And the greatest of all? We are out of the baby mama drama apartments of GP. And for that matter, we out out of Oregon! Something that has been a goal of mine for a loooonnnngnggggg time! Not that Oregon is bad.... Works for some people, just not for me;)

So for the last 5 days, we have been battling scarlet fever in our house. Who gets that these days? Well, my kids do. Joey was the victim this time, 4 years ago, it was Audrey. Oh well, such as life. Kids get sick, in my opinion, it just makes them stronger. I'm just waiting for the girls to come down with it, but so far, we are in the clear! Thank God!!!! Joey is at Karate right now, there isn't a sport that boy doesn't like!

So all of this seems like hodgpodge rambling, but thats how I write. And it works foir me, cause I only have about 5 seconds a day to gather my thoughts, and I can only spend 2.5 of those on this blog......

In the near future, you will see my motivating days..... My sad days.... My normal days.... (whatever that is)... My great mommy days.... My I need a break days.... And my golly, I cant find anything else right now, but please come again, and again..... It will be a surprise each time;)

Have a Copesetic (sp) day!!!!!!